The Catholic Women's League of Canada

Alberta Mackenzie Provincial Council

| click for Guidelines/Application PDF |


The Provincial Professional Development/Education Fund was implemented in 2003 to support opportunities for education in the League that would otherwise be dismissed due to lack of funds. The Fund is intended for events for which monies cannot be accessed from the National CWL Development Fund (see CWL National website, “forms”). Provincial and Diocesan Officers are the primary candidates for the Provincial Fund.
Funding is available within Budget limitations. Requests for funding will be evaluated on an individual basis, and a decision made by the CWL ABMK Provincial Council’s Professional Development/Education Fund Committee. The committee consists of the Education and Health Chairperson, Organization Chairperson, Treasurer, President (ex-officio), and one other provincial officer as appointed by the president. The committee will meet to discuss applications at the regular ABMK Provincial Executive Meetings.

Send the completed application to:
CWL Alberta Mackenzie Provincial Council
Education & Health Standing Committee Chair
via <>

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